Past versus Present! Has anything really changed?

Those days...
When going to school was almost imposed upon us..
When doing homework was the toughest thing in the world..
When getting up early to revise the syllabus on the day of exam was a torture..
When doing exercise in school was the boring chore ever...
" versus"
When going to office is almost imposed upon us..(except we are being paid for that..;) )
When completing the scheduled tasks in office seems to be toughest thing today..
When promising yourself to do exercise to stay fit( or reduce weight..:P ) is the boring chore ever..
Has anything really changed? Life just changes its attire after few years and so do our roles, but we remain the same, keeping one foot in the present and one foot in the future and completely forgetting that there is something called "present" which would never come back to us, no matter what..Still, we keep cribbing and achieve nothing but another lost moment of life.
Someone had rightly said - "Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is only thing that counts."
P.S : Thanks to the approaching Monday which made me write this comparison :D
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