"Maharashtra ki special lassi!"
"Maharashtra ki special lassi, Maharashtra ki special lassi"!! :) :) Its sounds like I've taken up a new job (after getting bugged up with software industry :P), but let me clarify, nothing like that :) Also, here I really don't want to convey I like lassi(infact, I've never had it as I don't like it) but the other word in the sentence "Maharashtra" is what makes me to write this blog, within few minutes of hearing it in through a hawker in train! This is exactly how it feels when you hear you very own state's name in the journey which takes you through 3 states! Starting from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,(which is my host state.Even after more than 9 months here, I still feel I'm a guest here :( ), then through quite a few cities in Karnataka like Gulbarga and then MY state "Maharashtra" :) Infact, when my cell phone shows the coverage city and if its some city in Maharashtra,(like now its showing Solapur) that gets a smile on my fac...