
Showing posts from April, 2011

"Maharashtra ki special lassi!"

"Maharashtra ki special lassi, Maharashtra ki special lassi"!! :) :) Its sounds like I've taken up a new job (after getting bugged up with software industry :P), but let me clarify, nothing like that :) Also, here I really don't want to convey I like lassi(infact, I've never had it as I don't like it) but the other word in the sentence "Maharashtra" is what makes me to write this blog, within few minutes of hearing it in through a hawker in train! This is exactly how it feels when you hear you very own state's name in the journey which takes you through 3 states! Starting from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,(which is my host state.Even after more than 9 months here, I still feel I'm a guest here :( ), then through quite a few cities in Karnataka like Gulbarga and then MY state "Maharashtra" :) Infact, when my cell phone shows the coverage city and if its some city in Maharashtra,(like now its showing Solapur) that gets a smile on my fac...

Acceptance in Life has no alternative!

Remember the last time when you were asked to do a project in office which you hated the most, assigned work with a "team mate" (working with whom is the last thing in life you would like to do :P, annual hike (?),serious fight with your best buddy, last Good bye to someone(not sure if you will see the person ever again or not :( ) and the list continues....I am sure all of us would have come across one of these, may be few hours back or few days back or may be few months back. And then, we don't miss to repeat those instances to all our friends who tend to show sympathy to us( no matter how long the list of sympathetic friends is, we don't mind to tell our so called "woes" over and again) These are the times when things just happen contradictory to our expectations. At first, it seems sometimes "life is being very rude to us", "We are being treated in the most ruthless way possible", "why ONLY me!" and the stream of negative t...